INA オープンハウス

今週の土曜日(4/14)は、毎年恒例のShipwreck Weekendが行われます。これはテキサスA&M大学、海事考古学プログラムのオープンハウスのようなイベントで、プレゼンテーションなども行われます。テキサス近辺にお住まいのかたはぜひお越しください。


9:00- 9:20 – Mark Polzer: The Anatomy of a Shipwreck Excavation: Bajo de la
Campana Project, Spain.

9:20-9:40 – Andrew Roberts: Great Republic: a Pacific Mail Steamship

9:40-10:00 – Dr. Deborah Carlson: A Monumental Cargo: The Roman Column Wreck
at Kizilburun, Turkey

10:00-10:20 – Katie Custer: End of the Line: The Final
Season of the Red River Project

10:20-10:40 Break 10:40-11:00 – Dr. Filipe
Vieira de Castro: Sailing the Pepper Wreck

11-11:20 – Dr. Helen Dewolf:
Conserving Artifacts from the Red River Excavation

11:20-11:40 – Dr. Wayne
Smith: New Technologies in Artifact Conservation

Open House:

1:00 – 3:00pm Open Tour of the Nautical Archaeology Program Laboratories:

Conservation Labs

Old World and New World Labs

Ship Reconstruction Lab

Ship Modeling Lab

The event begins at 9 a.m. at the A&M Library Annex, which is connected to Evans Library. The lectures, which feature projects from around the globe, will be in Educational Media Services Room 410 and will last until noon.



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